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1. £2.98  * 5

2. Multiplication question in words

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  1. Can use bus stop and x each number by 10. So 5s into 30 instead
  2. This is 6

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  1. 17J + 8C = 25 sweets
  2. If even chance of a toffee, then there must be 25 toffees

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5 Pens 4 Pencils

  1. Whatever you buy in pens, just end in a 5 or 0. So the only number this applies to between 0 and 55 is 35
  2. So its 5 Pens. This leaves 20p
  3. 20p is for pencils @ 5p each
  4. So 4 pencils

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  1. Just add on 123
  2. 11,908,245 + 123

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  1. The rule of thumb to see if a number is a multiple of 3 is to add up all of the digits
  2. So in this case, 5+3+7 = 15
  3. If all of the digits added divide by 3, then thats the number
  4. In this case we were going for the largest number. Smaller options would have been 534 and 531

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  1. Logical thinking. Go in multiples of 10 until 6 is also a multiple of that number
  2. So this gives 30 minutes
  3. Next time both trains leave the platform at the same time is 16:27

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  1. 23 – 13 = 10.
  2. 23 – 5 = 18
  3. 10 x 18 = 180

13, 5

  1. 13 as the first number. So he would end up with zero
  2. Or for the second number, 5 so he ends up with zero for the second number

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  1. Number of days = 5
  2. Height sunflower grows is (68 – 48) = 20cm
  3. Per Day growth therefore = 4cm
  4. Taking 21st August through to 2nd September = 12 days
  5. Therefore, growth during this period is 48cm
  6. Adding on the height as of 21st August of 68cm = 116cm

28th July

  1. Work Backwards. 4cm per day = 12 days
  2. Therefore, 12 days from 16th August 4th August
  3. Then take a week off this and you get 28th July

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Start with Sneezy as this is given as 24 and work from there

Grumpy gets 1 more so is on 25 etc etc

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