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Highest Common Factor
Highest Common Factor One of the approaches I have been advocating in tuition lately is the use of the Highest Common Factor principle and how to use this in questions. It’s a core concept and one that should be used …
Standard Form & Physics Conversion Tables
Conversion Tables for Physics Many Students have been asking about conversion tables for Physics. So I thought I would post them here very quickly. There are more conversions below than needed in most cases. Firstly the key concept of ensuring …
English 11+ Antonyms and Synonyms
ENGLISH 11+ ANTONYMS AND SYNONYMS Please see below for a transcript on some English 11+ Antonyms and Synonyms. Hopefully you find these useful. Its imperative to implement and action these tips and recommendations so that you can move up the …
Finding the Lowest Common Denominator
FIND LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR WITH TRICKY FRACTIONS This is a complex area for students to understand but once you understand the technique, it will help you tremendously on tricky Maths Fractions questions Please see the attached word document on the …
Non Verbal Reasoning Tips
Non Verbal Reasoning Tips & Recommendations…… Our last post focused on avoiding silly mistakes. This latest article is purely focused on reviewing Non Verbal Reasoning and providing a series of Tips and Recommendations on how to improve your Non Verbal …
English 11+ General Tips & Recommendations
ENGLISH 11+ GENERAL TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Please see below for a transcript on some English 11+ General Tips & Recommendations. Hopefully you find these useful. Its imperative to implement and action these tips and recommendations so that you can move …
CEM Summer Holiday Mock Exams
CEM SUMMER HOLIDAY MOCK EXAMS Please see below for a transcript on some of the points highlighted in the video below on the CEM Mock Exams I will be putting students through: SUMMER TUITION MOCK EXAMS: The CEM Exams are …
Avoiding Silly Mistakes
Avoiding Silly Mistakes…… Silly Mistakes can cost students dearly when it comes to completing Exam Papers. In most cases, students know around 80%+ of the material they are going to sit an exam for. So why do they struggle when …