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Very easy to use the bus stop method for this question

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£8.17 – £7.65. Subtraction question written in words

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  1. Ratios question. 1R:2O:3A = 6 parts
  2. Each party is 50ml
  3. So 3 parts is 150ml


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product means multiplication

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  1. Barbie earns £23,450
  2. Ken earns £22,750
  3. Total is therefore £46,200

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Remember the metric conversions. Also anything with a “kilo” in it represents 1000. So 1000g = 1kg

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Process is:

  1. To write in Column Format
  2. To align number of digits
  3. To then go digit by digit starting left to right

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90 hours

  1. Monday to Saturday = 14 hours per day. So 6 x 14 = 84 hours;
  2. Sunday = 6 hours;
  3. Total = 90 hours

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  1. Answer HAS to end in 5. Thats the easy bit
  2. Then its 7,3,2,5
  3. So 7325

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  1. One option is to change 0.08 to 8. So x 100
  2. Then multiply 8 by 5
  3. This gives 40
  4. Then to divide the answer by 100 as you originally multipied the question x 100
  5. This gives 0.4


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70 hours


  1. If Lazy Living = 2/7ths, Celeb Gossip is 5/7
  2. 5/7 * 98/1
  3. Simplified this is = 5/1 * 14/1
  4. This is 70

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Because you can make coffee whilst the toast is in the toaster

Shortest time is 4 minutes

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60 miles

Break it down one route by one route:

  1. Drive to HABs – 10miles
  2. HABs to Southgate – 9miles
  3. Southgate to Harpenden – 18miles
  4. Harpenden to HABs – 13miles
  5. HABs to Home – 10miles

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120/100 * 550/1
Simplify the calculation per normal rules of simplification and cross cancellation and then calculate

100/120 * 1200/1

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1817 – 1747 = 30 minutes. If train travels 90km/h, it will travel half this distance in 30 minutes


Detailed workings to follow

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It is also worth going through these and memorising them…….

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See below

Just work through each child at a time starting with the most obvious…..the Winner

Then going from there. Only tricky one is A & E. Which one comes first? Well its A because of the statement that A x D = F. This can only be 2 x 3

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Bag B – Apple Maximum Chance

Bag E – Pear Minimum Chance

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