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  1. Convert £ to pence
  2. 300/36 = 8.33
  3. So 8 full bars

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  1. 24/1 * 5/8
  2. Simplified = 3/1 * 5/1 = 15

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  1. Total number of squares = 24
  2. Shaded squares = 8
  3. Fraction shaded = 8/24 = 1/3

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  1. Do your 3 x 4 times table to find a number in between 41 and 51
  2. So 12,24,36,48
  3. Answer is 48

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  1. £156/6 = £26 per night
  2. £26 * 8 = £208

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a) 1 hour 25mins

7.10pm – 5.35pm = 1 hour 25mins

b) 16 hours 30 mins

2 hours 45 mins converted to minutes = 165minutes

165minutes * 2 = 330mins

330mins * 3 = 990mins

990mins/ 60mins

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five twelfths; 0.65; 0.7; 3/4; 4/5

Can convert all of these to fractions if it helps

7/10 ; 3/4; 4/5; 13/20; 5/12

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  1. 7/25. To convert to a % you can do reverse bus stop
  2. So this would be per below:

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By second hand, the question is referring to the seconds handle that moves around the clock

Therefore, if its pointing to 2, after one minute it will still point to 2 as it will go around 360 degrees

Add on 20 seconds which represents 4 numbers on the clock (12 numbers = 60 seconds so 1 number move = 5 seeconds)

Therefore add 4 onto 2 to get 6

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Cheese £5.30

Bananas £0.90

Chocolate £1.12

Total Cost £7.32

Change = £2.68

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5.7cm – 1.8cm

Remember each small dash is 0.1cm

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  1. 3mins * 7p = 21p
  2. 18mins * 5p = 90p
  3. Total cost = 111p

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a) 51,000

with 2 zeros added onto the equation, you just add 2 zeros to your answer

b) 255

halve the answer

c) 30

510/34 would give 15

Therefore 510/17 would give 30

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Sam 9 years

Ben 3 years

Frederick 16 years

Mylo 11 years

  1. Always write it down numerically as much as possible. This gives a clearer view on the workings required and/or the answer
  2. Sam + Ben = 12
  3. Frederick + Sam + Ben = 28
  4. Therefore, Frederick must be 16
  5. Mylo + Sam = 20
  6. Total of all brothers = 39
  7. Therefore, remaining ages total is 23.

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a) 9.30am – 11.30am

9 hours back from 6.30pm is 9.30am. From 8.30pm its 11.30am

b) 6pm

USA 4am means 9am UK time.

UK is 9 hours behind Australia so the time then in Australia will be 6pm

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Least Glow = 11:11

Greatest Glow = 08:08


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  1. Work through the multiples and add on the remainder where necessary
  2. 4 – So multiples with 2 added on would be 6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42
  3. 5 – So multiples with 2 added on would be 7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42
  4. 6 – 6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48

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Cubes  14

Triangular Blocks  6

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Then BC + A = BC + 4 = 37 so BC = 37 –> B = 3, C = 7. A=4

Checking, 43 + 7 = 50.

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  1. 9 identical squares with area of 144 means square has an area of 16cm
  2. Each square must be 4×4
  3. Number of sides showing on the shape above if you count all the way around as a perimeter is 20
  4. So perimeter is 80cm

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Work backwards for this section….


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  1. A+B+C = £19.70
  2. 2nd £7.50, 1st £5.50, 3rd £6.70

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