a) 120km
b) Car B
c) Car B
d) 40km
100km – 60km
e) Car B overtook Car A
f) Car B between 3.15pm and 3.45pm. Speed of 70/0.5 = 140km/h
g) Car B as it got to its destination in a quicker time
Direction you need to turn: Anticlockwise
Angle of turn required: 60 degrees
Like prior word based questions, just break it down 1 sentence at a time:
Start at zero degrees (or think of it as 12 o’clock). 40 degrees clockwise will be to the right
70 degrees anticlockwise will take you a net 30 degrees to the left of zero
90 degrees clockwise turn from there will take you to a net 60 degrees right. So 60 degrees clockwise