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- -12C + 4C as it increases for Tues-Fri
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E & D
This is because its vertical line of symmetry is not there when you look at each of the letters
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a) 45
- May is 14 and her father is 53
- Mays mother is therefore 45
b) 16
- If 5 marbles cost £7.50, then 10 would cost £15. 15 would cost £22.50
- Each marble costs £1.50
- So remaining £1.50 to take you to £24 would get you 1 marble
- Total number being 16 marbles
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- 0.012 + 1.238 = 1.250
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31 minutes
- Train was due at 8:05 but arrived at 8:18
- Therefore 8:18 – 7:47
- If not sure, go upwards from 7:47 to 8:00 – 13 minutes
- Then 8:00 to 8:18 which gives another 18 minutes
- Total 31 minutes
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- Work backwards. So 192/3 = 64
- 64 square root = 8
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- B=2 ; A=5
- If A = 45 turns, it has done 9 times as many as the “base case”
- Therefore, B will also do 9 times as many so its 18 times
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- A=5/8; P=3/8
- Pears therefore = 3/8 * 48/1
- Pears = 18
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Its 10cm length x 2cm height. So 20cm²

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2 cucumbers
- 5 tomatoes = 2 pounds weight = £3.00 cost
- So green peppers they bought 3 = 40p x 3 = £1.20 cost
- If they got 20p change and spent £4.20, then 60p was spent on cucumbers
- 60p/ 30p = 2 cucumbers
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- If Length is 11cm more than width, need possible combinations to give multiple of 60
- So this could be 30×2 or 15×4. Or several others
- 15×4 is the only combination that works and this gives a length 11cm more than the width
- So perimeter is 11cm + 4cm + 11cm + 4cm
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- 24 people. 4 got off so this left 20. X people got on
- Assume zero got on for now at the last stop
- Second stop . 20 with 3 people getting on leaving 23
- If there were then 34 people, it means 11 people got on at the first stop
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4 children
- 56 legs with 3:1 ratio dogs:children
- 12 dogs = 48 legs. 4 children = 8 legs. So thats 56 legs altogether
- For every 3 dogs there are 12 legs. For every 1 child, 2 legs. So leg ratio is 12:2 = 14 legs
- Then work up in 14s to get to 56 which takes you to 48:8
- So 8 legs = 4 children
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Area of 1 rectangle = 15 x 5 = 75cm²

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- Add a zero on. So 267,120
- Its rearranging the formula so it becomes 742 = 26712/36
- Double the base answer of 26712 so it becomes 53424
- Add on 36 to the original answer. So its 26712 + 36 = 26748. (ie an extra 1 x 36 since number changes from 742 to 743)
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The number is a multiple of
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64 small squares = 18 lines
4 small squares = 6 lines
9 small squares = 8 lines
16 small squares = 11 lines
64 small squares = 18 lines

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- In 4 nights, she ate an extra 25 + (25*2) + (25*3) so this is 150 more.
- Take this away from the total of 1050 gives 900
- So divide this by 4 and you get 225
- So day 1 225, day 2 250, day 3 275 and day 4 300
- Total reconciles back to 1050
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Approach is to draw out the breakdown per below and start filling in one section at a time

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