11+ Tutor in Feltham

What is covered in 11+ Tuition?

Mathematics, English, Verbal Reasoning & Non-Verbal Reasoning. These are covered in most of the Independent & Grammar Schools. In terms of Maths, this is usually much more detailed and is in-depth. So the Maths side is called “Numerical Reasoning” and this means that each question is typically in 3 or 4 parts. This is crucial to get right and we illustrate why later on;

For Independent Schools, they also test on Creative Writing and more detailed Comprehension. So what we do is cover off these areas more comprehensively and give you some approaches to adopt for doing these sections. Creative Writing is also covered off further below;

More Benefits….

The syllabus and key areas is covered in detail and a drill-down into any tricky areas is included. Really, 11+ tutors in Feltham cover something that is more detailed than what you see at KS2 level. This level is much higher up and it is something that is easier for students to work through than 11+. The way to test this is to look at a SATs exam versus an 11+ exam. There is a difference and 11+ is harder;

Exam Techniques & Tips. It is pivotal to give students alternate ways to approach questions and different methodologies to use. We provide your child and/or children with a wide range of unique and researched tips and recommendations. This is after studying and observing different issues students have stumbled on during exams. So we pick the best tips and give your child the edge;

Sign up today for 11+ Tutors in Feltham and get the very best for your child:

  • Great Rates for parents;
  • 121 Tuition and also online;
  • Recommendations and tips;
  • Brilliant sources of materials to test your child;
  • Free Mock Exams for you.

Vimal Nathwani - Head Tutor, Director

11+ Head Tutor & Coach. Director

Qualified Tutor for over 10 years. Focusing on Eleven Plus for Grammar & Independent Schools. I provide both 121 and also online tuition and therefore cater for all students. I am articulate, detailed and cover CEM & GL Style exams as well as pure Independent School Exams. These are important exams and I have a range of techniques that will help your child get over this vital hurdle.

Give your child their best possible chance of getting through the 11+ exams and give us a call so we can provide you with an excellent tutor at great rates

11+ Tutor and what we provide

What is covered in 11+ Tuition?

Regular Progress & Mock Exams are given to students to monitor how they are progressing and this acts as a yardstick to gauge performance. We want to give regular Mock Exams in order to test your child and/or children and understand what their score is. From this we will be able to review their strengths and weaknesses and therefore, focus on the areas that matter for them;

Weekly Homework will be provided in order to give a reinforcement of what they have learned thus far. The weekly homework is crucial because it is something that gives students a chance to practice in their own space, what they have learned during tuition. This homework is always at the standard that is required for 11+ and is tailored directly for your student. This is the benefit of 11+ Tutors in Feltham because we give tailor made tuition;

121 Personalised advice & recommendations are given directly to students on an individualised basis. We focus on giving your child the types of recommendations that will help them as students, improve their scores. These are after a thorough review we undertake of their performance during tuition and also on how they perform during homework and also Mock Exams;

First class 11+ tuition

Student Progress Reports are given to parents regularly typically after every single tuition session. This is so parents know exactly how students are performing and areas we think they need to focus on for the coming week. This is really a vital part and we provide an honest and open review on where we think students need to focus and what we as 11+ Tutors in Feltham are doing to help children close the gap;

FANTASTIC value for money. If you consider that 11+ Tuition classes in a group environment are around £300 per month + admin fees and additional charges, we are excellent value considering what we give for 121 tuition. We are cheaper and we give 121 so your child or children benefit and so does your pocket!

Buy 11+ Past Exam Papers  & Answers

Free 11 plus past papers

Our tuition is great because we cover all the key areas for students that are needed to be reviewed for 11+ Exams. These include some key insights into crucial topics such as Numerical Reasoning. So what is numerical reasoning as its not a phrase that usually comes up in conversation?

Numerical Reasoning

This covers Maths but in multi-part questions. So why is this style of questions so important? The reason is because these types of questions are multi-part and if a student struggles with the first part of the question, they will also have issues with future parts. So its key that students get the first part correct


Our 11+ tutors in Feltham are great value and we give you something that is tremendous value for money. So what are our typical prices? Well these range from £30-£35 per hour and this covers many things. We provide the materials, we come to your house so you do not incur any petrol or travel charges and in addition to this, we provide focused 121 tuition so your child gets full attention from us during this period

It is a massive benefit that your child will get over and above going to classrooms which usually have many children in and therefore, the advantage is you get the very best in education.


As part of our great value package for 11+ Tuition Classes, we provide a great range of materials to help your child through their 11+ Journey. This material includes all Classroom materials, homework workbooks, Mock Exams and much more.

Our materials are challenging and cover all topics. Subsequently, we thereby ensure that the child is given a rounded level of education for 11+ through our 11+ Tuition classes.

The goal being to give them the recipe for exam success through broad range of materials and excellent tuition

11+ Mock Exams – Commencing Feb 2020

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Mon 12-aug-25

9.30am - 12.30pm

SET 1  (MULTIPLE CHOICE): 2 Papers covering Verbal Reasoning, Non Verbal Reasoning, English & Maths.
Wed 14-Aug-25

9.30am - 12.30pm

SET 2  (MULTIPLE CHOICE): 2 Papers covering Verbal Reasoning, Non Verbal Reasoning, English & Maths.
Fri 16-Aug-25

9.30am - 12.30pm

SET 3  (MULTIPLE CHOICE): 2 Papers covering Verbal Reasoning, Non Verbal Reasoning, English & Maths.
Mon 19-Aug-25

9.30am - 12.30pm

SET 4  (MULTIPLE CHOICE): 2 Papers covering Verbal Reasoning, Non Verbal Reasoning, English & Maths.
Wed 21-Aug-25

9.30am - 12.30pm

SET 1 (MULTIPLE CHOICE): 2 Papers covering Verbal Reasoning, Non Verbal Reasoning, English & Maths.
Fri 23-Aug-25

9.30am - 12.30pm

SET 2 (MULTIPLE CHOICE): 2 Papers covering Verbal Reasoning, Non Verbal Reasoning, English & Maths.
Mon 26-Aug-25

9.30am - 12.30pm

SET 3  (MULTIPLE CHOICE): 2 Papers covering Verbal Reasoning, Non Verbal Reasoning, English & Maths.
Wed 28-Aug-25

9.30am - 12.30pm

SET 4  (MULTIPLE CHOICE): 2 Papers covering Verbal Reasoning, Non Verbal Reasoning, English & Maths.

Eleven Plus Summer Course. Great Tuition Course to get your child/ children ready for these crucial exams. 11+ exams are extremely challenging so why not sign up to one of our great 5 Day Intense Courses and get your child ahead of the rest?

We offer great materials which come with Learning Materials, Tests, Timed Tests and feedback on areas of strengths and weaknesses.