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Use the following method and remember  “of” means multiply in maths

3/4 * 1/96

This gives

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For sequences, always look at the change number on number

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a) 2040

Move the decimal 2 places to the right when multiplying

b) 1050

  1. You can do the inverse operation here and multiply 1000 x 1.05 to get to the answer
  2. If not sure, then do the calculation in 2 parts:
  3. 1000 x 1 = 1000
  4. 1000 x 0.05 = 50 (Remember 0.1 = 10% = 100. So 0.05 = 5% = 50)
  5. Then add both numbers together

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112 is the Left Hand side.  102 is the Right Hand Side. Missing sign is greater than

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Work Backwards. 56 / 8 = 7.

Then 7 minus 4 = 3

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The shaded portion is the part on the right of the shape. So the other side of the > line

5/8ths is shaded

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8.40 a.m

  1. If not sure, go to the first full hour which is 8.00 a.m
  2. This then leaves 40 minutes to add on so its 8.40 a.m

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1/10 * 5 = 0.5 (Move decimal one place to the left when dividing

1/5 of 10 = 2

So difference is 1.5

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a i) 80

ii) 23

Work backwards. 120/4 = 30. 30 minus 7 = 23

b) x2 -6 OR -3 x2

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a) 13,485

b) 49,853

c) 984

d) 89

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See below. The clue as to how to complete it is given by the fact that the diagonals given add up to 15. So all horizontal, vertical and diagonals need to add up to 15

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a) 1,592

1554 + 38 = 1592

b) 777

Half of the original answer (37  * 42)/2

c) 3.7


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a) See below

Use the HCF Principle. This is the best approach. So HCF of 6 & 15 is 3. Therefore, work out what is needed for 3 people

Then multiply the result by 5 to get to what is needed for 15 people

b) 60 people

If 100g is 6 people, then 1kg is 10x 6 people

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Consider the various options to multiply to get to 72.

2 x 36; 3 x 24; 9 x 8, 12 x 6

12 x 6 is the only option which meets the criteria


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a) 6

500/78 = 6 (remainder 32p). £4.68 spent therefore

b) 4

32/8 = 4

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See below

Start with the lines closest to the mirror. This is the best approach

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39 minutes

Normal waiting time would be 42 minutes. Missing it by 3 minutes means the waiting time is 39minutes

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If perimeter is 20cm, each side is 5cm

Therefore, the area is 5 x 5 = 25cm²

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2.9 inches

    1. Establish what each mark is worth. The answer to this is 0.1 inches
    2. Then start at 0.7 inches and the pencil ends at 3.6 inches
    3. So this is 2.9 inches

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Range represents difference between highest and lowest. So this would be 9-6 = 3

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a) 15

7 whole pictures + 1 1/2 picture = 15

b) 50

  1. A 15
  2. B 9
  3. C 10
  4. D 7
  5. E 9

c) F = 5

(1/3 of B = 3) + (20% of C = 2) = 5

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Mum – Coffee; Dad – Choc; Granny – Strawberry

Lets summarise below:

  1. Mum likes Choc or Coffee
  2. Dad likes Choc
  3. Granny likes Choc, Coffee & Strawberry
  4. So Mum gets coffee, Dad gets choc and Granny gets Strawberry

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See below:

a) The probability of A is 10/20 = 1/2 = Even . (10 numbers are even. 10 are odd)

b) The probability of B is 4/20 = 1/5  . (4 numbers comply. 5,10,15,20)

c) The probability of C is 0/20 = 0. (There is no 21 on the spinner)

d) The probability of D is 2/20 = 1/10  . (2 numbers comply. 1 and 8)

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A pentagon can have 5 obtuse angles but not always has to be the case

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a) 2.4kg

Key is to understand what each marker is worth. The answer to this is 0.2kg. Therefore, 2.4kg

b) 2400g

“k” means 1000. Therefore, 1000g = 1kg

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a) 300ml

8 * 150ml = 1,200ml

  1. Always worth converting everything to the denomination in which the answer is required.
  2. So 1,5 litres = 1,500ml.
  3. 1,500ml – 1,200ml = 300ml

b) 6 full jugs

  1. 2 Litres * 5 bottles = 10,000ml.
  2. 10,000 / 1,500 = 6 full jugs = 9,000ml.
  3. There will be 1,000ml remaining/ left over
  4. Read the question carefully as it asks for FULL jugs

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a) See below

b) (2,7)

c) See above for drawing

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a) See below

Its 2 4×7 triangles that have been transposed from the original question

b) See below

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a) 48cm

See labelling below

b) 108cm²

Area = WxL. 6×18

c) 18

In 18cm across, she can fit 6 (18/3). Given its 6cm tall, she can fit 3 high. So in total 3 rows each with 6 in each row  18

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The volume of Cube A is 8cm³. So this is 2x2x2. For 64cm, think of cube numbers. So 2x2x2 = 8. 3x3x3 = 27. 4x4x4=64

So double the side of Cube A is 4 so its 64cm³

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a) 8g

  1. If each tea leaves weighs 0.008g, then multiply this by 1000 to get weight of 1000 tea leaves
  2. Move the decimal place 3 places (number of zeros after the 1) to the right. 1000x.008g
  3. This would give 8

b) 125,000

  1. The number of leaves = 125 x 1000

c) 100

  1. A tea bag = (250 x 0.008) + 0.5g = 2.5g
  2. 250/2.5g = 100

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a) See below

b) From the table:

  1. Cone, Vanilla, Flakes
  2. Tub, Mint, Sprinkles

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a) See below

b) See below

c) 40

10 x 4


d) 5,050

This can be done with the following calculation

(100×101)/ 2 = 101 x 50 = 5,050

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  1. Use a ratio style approach
  2. R=2xS. S=1.5xT
  3. So T=1; S=1.5; R=3
  4. Total parts = 5.5
  5. 198/5.5 = 36 (Use bus stop but you can do 55 into 1980 so that you do not have to deal with the decimal
  6. So T=(1*36); S=(1.5*36=54); R=((3×36)=108)

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a) i See below

a) ii See below


b) 13,20,24

  1. 4=2² with difference as 2

c) 0,1,4 & 9

  1. 0²=0; 1²=1; 2²=4; 3²=9

d) See below

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  1. Use Algebra to solve this. Tom=100t; J=60t. Where t=time
  2. 100t=100+60t
  3. 40t=100
  4. t=2.5
  5. 2.5×100=250m

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a) 5

b) 10

c) 1 & 8

Detail to be added

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