
£10 = 1000p

1000/70 = 980p so 14 full cookies. Leaving 20p change

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£12,000 full price

Discount = 12,000 * 35/100 = £4,200

So reduced price = £12,000 – £4,200 = £7,800

£7,800 less savings of £7,350 = £450

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10 Times

Monday Spaghetti & Apple Pie

Day 1 Tuesday

Day 2 Wednesday Spaghetti

Day 3 Thursday Apple Pie

Day 4 Friday Spaghetti

Day 5 Saturday nothing

Day 6 Sunday Spaghetti & Apple Pie

Every 6th day she eats both. So in the next 60 days, she eats both 10 times


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120 pupils

2/5ths boys = 48 boys (120/5 * 2)

3/4s of boys write in pencil = 48 * 3/4 = 36

Girls = (120-48)-72

1/3 in pen so 24.

2/3 in pencil so 48

Total in Pencil = 36 + 48 = 84

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Area of rectangle is 128cm²

So use algebra to solve (remember area of rectangle = LxW)

2x * x = 128 (where 2x = length and x = width. Use 2x given length is twice width)





So perimeter = (8*4 for the length + 8*2 for the width) = 48cm

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Picking up 8 is a good move as it means he can win on the next hand with different numbers rather than just relying on one number

Robin will win the game because on the next move. This is because he can win with more permutations of the remaining cards than Susan. Eg Robin could pick up a 1 or 3 and win the game as an example. Susans options are limited

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